Sep. 15, 2021
Douyin Denies Rumor as Excuse for Tencent's Link Blocking
BEIJING, September 14 (TMTPOST)— Douyin said on Tuesday that the recent rumor that alleged it as a stealer is false and it has filed a case in the court for it. The TikTok’s Chinese sister clarified that its friend recommendation is made based on personal information authorized by users themselves, instead of any link from Tencent, and the court has found it had never obtained any relationship link from WeChat or QQ users. The rumor came right after China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) asked tech giants including Tencent to stop blocking each other’s links on their websites. The rumor, cited a person in charge from Tencent, said the reason for WeChat to block Douyin’s linking is that its parent ByteDance was suspected to steal Tencent’s relationship network link.
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