Oct. 9, 2024
South Korea Enters FTSE Russell's Major Global Bond Index Following Market Reforms
Asianfin--South Korea is set to join FTSE Russell's prominent global bond index next year, marking a significant milestone driven by comprehensive reforms in the country's financial market infrastructure. This move is expected to attract tens of billions of dollars in capital inflows. Additionally, FTSE Russell announced the inclusion of India in its emerging market debt index starting from 2025, acknowledging the government's efforts to enhance market accessibility. Meanwhile, Vietnamese stocks remain under review for potential promotion to an emerging market status, while Greek equities have been earmarked for potential inclusion in the developed market category. The announcement coincides with increasing investor interest in Asian debt, driven by declining yields in the United States and Europe. Membership in benchmarks like FTSE's $30 trillion World Government Bond Index requires global funds tracking the index to purchase the debt of newly added countries.
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