21 hours ago
New Investors Favor ETF Trading, Holding Rate Increases to 30%
Asianfin--As of October 15, the market size for equity ETFs has reached three trillion yuan. Several brokerage firms have reported that among new investors opening accounts since the National Day holiday, approximately 20-30% are now holding ETF funds, marking a significant increase from previous figures. Popular ETF varieties among these investors include the Science and Technology Innovation 50, the CSI 300 ETF, the ChiNext, the Shanghai-Shenzhen 300, the Sci-Tech Innovation Board 50, the ChiNext 50, the Sci-Tech Chips ETF, the Dividend ETF, and the Securities ETF. Industry experts attribute this trend to the high cost-effectiveness of ETFs, especially for inexperienced investors. Additionally, existing clients are also showing a willingness to increase their holdings. With the growing focus on investor education, awareness of ETFs has improved, leading brokerages to adopt ETFs as a strategic focus. Many are now monitoring clients' ETF trading habits separately to meet evolving demands.
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