18 hours ago
Apple's Foldable Phone Patent Surfaces
Asianfin--With Huawei leading the charge by launching the world’s first foldable smartphone earlier this year, Apple has recently filed a patent for a four-fold phone in the U.S., sparking discussions about the potential evolution of smartphones towards more foldable designs. Industry experts indicate that there haven't been any reports of Apple actively developing a four-fold device. Huawei's three-fold smartphone is expected to have sales of around 200,000 units this year. According to data from the patent search platform Zhihuiya, prior to Apple announcing its patent for four-fold technology, some Chinese companies had already secured patents in this area; however, these patents are currently in a state of non-renewal. This suggests that both domestic and international firms are exploring breakthroughs in four-fold technology, though the realization of such innovations will depend on market acceptance and cost control.
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