21 hours ago
Alibaba Cloud Clarifies Proactive Cancellation of Class A Surveying Qualifications Amid Security Allegations
Asianfin -- Alibaba Cloud on Thursday responded on the recent news regarding the cancellation of its Class A surveying and mapping qualification, stating that the decision to cancel was made proactively by the company in April this year. The announcement about the cancellation was only made public recently, and the company clarified that it has no connection to the allegations made the night before. The Ministry of National Security issued a statement on October 16, revealing that an overseas company, referred to as Company A, was collaborating with a domestic company with surveying qualifications (Company B) to conduct geographic information mapping activities under the guise of researching intelligent automotive driving. On October 15, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Natural Resources published a decision letter announcing the cancellation of Alibaba Cloud's surveying qualifications. The letter cited the company’s request for cancellation and referred to relevant laws and regulations governing surveying qualifications in China.  
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