19 hours ago
Chinese Electric Truckmaker Windrose Technology Expands into Europe, Doubling IPO Target
Asianfin -- Chinese electric truck startup Windrose Technology Inc. is set to make significant strides in Europe, with plans to manufacture vehicles in France and Belgium, where the company is also exploring the possibility of a public listing, according to founder and CEO Wen Han. Currently producing electric trucks in Suzhou, China, and conducting tests in various locations, including the U.S. and Europe, Windrose aims to raise at least $400 million through an initial public offering (IPO) in New York and potentially Brussels. This target is double the $200 million goal mentioned by Wen in a previous interview with Bloomberg News last year. He noted that the funds would be allocated to research and development as well as the production of Windrose’s zero-emission, autonomous driving trucks. Wen also revealed that the company has established an R&D facility in Belgium. He emphasized the importance of having a European presence, not solely due to impending European tariffs on Chinese electric vehicle makers but to better address local demand. He added that policies regarding EU tariffs are likely to treat electric trucks differently from traditional electric vehicles.
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