19 hours ago
Ling Yi Wan Wu Launches New Flagship Model and "AI 2.0 Digital Human"
Asianfin -- China's large model company Ling Yi Wan Wu unveiled its latest flagship model, Yi-Lightning. Compared to its predecessor, Yi-Lightning boasts nearly a 40% increase in maximum generation speed and surpasses OpenAI's GPT-4o in performance on the internationally recognized LMSYS blind testing leaderboard. Additionally, the new product has successfully reduced the API (Application Programming Interface) pricing to just 0.99 yuan per million tokens, enabling developers and enterprise clients to easily achieve high-quality, cost-effective solutions with "SOTA large model freedom." On the same day, Ling Yi Wan Wu also introduced its "AI 2.0 Digital Human," focusing on specific industry solutions in retail and e-commerce by applying the latest flagship model, Yi-Lightning. Currently, the "AI 2.0 Digital Human" solution encompasses various application scenarios, including AI companions, IP characters, e-commerce live streaming, and office meetings.
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